Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

I know absence threads are tired, but….
Last Edit: Likeitlots 03:30 pm EDT 05/01/24
Posted by: Likeitlots 03:28 pm EDT 05/01/24

Last week, Espinoza out of Lempicka (and granted, it’s a bear of a sing). Monday night, Nobleszada out of Gatsby. Today, Moon out of Hell’s Kitchen— the day after her nomination. And I am only reporting on what I see (not hearsay). These shows JUST opened! Either Broadway is asking too much of its performers with impossible vocals and/or choreography, or the work ethic continues its downhill slide. Or both.

Previous: re: Tremendous Interview — You’re welcome, Clancy! 😀 nmi - Unhookthestars 11:20 pm EDT 05/01/24
Next: re: I know absence threads are tired, but…. - Delvino 09:41 am EDT 05/02/24

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