Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: If you had a time machine...
Last Edit: GrumpyMorningBoy 03:01 am EDT 05/08/24
Posted by: GrumpyMorningBoy 03:00 am EDT 05/08/24
In reply to: If you had a time machine... - pecansforall 02:11 pm EDT 05/07/24

Opening night, OBC of WEST SIDE STORY
Opening night, OBC of MAN OF LA MANCHA
First preview of RENT @ NYTW

runners up: Maggie Smith in LETTICE & LOVAGE, Laurette Taylor in THE GLASS MENAGERIE, Zero Mostel in FIDDLER, OBC of DREAMGIRLS, first previews of ANGELS IN AMERICA (part 1 and part 2)


Previous: If you had a time machine... - pecansforall 02:11 pm EDT 05/07/24
Next: re: If you had a time machine... - caseyko 10:18 pm EDT 05/07/24

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