Pick the Tonys with Talkin' Broadway

re: Did Broadway theaters used to let people in earlier than half hour?
Posted by: ryhog 05:56 pm EDT 05/03/24
In reply to: re: Did Broadway theaters used to let people in earlier than half hour? - davei2000 01:01 pm EDT 05/03/24

I have no idea why some people show up an hour early. I do understand why some people don't want to show up at the last minute: some like to overpay for drinks, some want to go to the restroom, etc. But I think architecture is (as someone else more or less said) the critical factor. Some theatres have nice spaces in which folks can hang out, have a drink, go to the restroom, etc. without traversing the auditorium; others do not (and some of those barely have room for any of the above). The other consideration is that opening the house before half hour is not always possible, and often that fact is not even known in advance. There are all sorts of calls and other things that happen and the house (meaning the auditorium) cannot open until the folks actually making the show happen "give" the house to its manager. This is not an issue in a newer theatre but very few Shubert houses, for example, have anywhere for people to congregate once they have passed the ticket takers.

Previous: re: Did Broadway theaters used to let people in earlier than half hour? - davei2000 01:01 pm EDT 05/03/24
Next: re: Did Broadway theaters used to let people in earlier than half hour? - portenopete 11:23 am EDT 05/05/24

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