re: WILDCAT -- Good Choice for Encores (if they want to make money)
Posted by: champagnesalesman 11:11 pm EST 02/03/24
In reply to: WILDCAT -- Good Choice for Encores (if they want to make money) - BroadwayTonyJ 11:47 am EST 02/03/24

You are absolutely correct...WILDCAT could be trimmed and cast with a star(maybe Charles Busch to trim AND star?)The scores are the reasons to do these shows. It's funny how people who I'm sure never saw WILDCAT are certain it's not worth doing. Post Broadway it had numerous stock productions with Martha Raye, Margaret Whiting, Gisele McKenzie and others taking Lucy's role. So how bad could it be? Even a flawed 60's musical has probably more charms than alot we get now. Carolee was miscast even in that excerpt that Green dismissed.

Previous: WILDCAT -- Good Choice for Encores (if they want to make money) - BroadwayTonyJ 11:47 am EST 02/03/24
Next: re: Completely Original Musicals - hanon 10:39 am EST 02/03/24

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