re: I wish I could live in a musical
Last Edit: lordofspeech 04:42 pm EST 02/28/24
Posted by: lordofspeech 04:42 pm EST 02/28/24
In reply to: I wish I could live in a musical - jeffef 03:32 pm EST 02/28/24

I really feel you, as the children say.
The great Broadway musical, as we who knew it knew it, was as much a lightning rod for our culture as great films were. Or more. Because they had the added thrill and athletic challenge of the singing and the vocal projection and the extraordinary passion (that so often seems wasted in our little cubbyholes of life).
But they do inspire us. And we do often take enormous strides for having been so inspired.
I know there’s a lot of “talk” about the new SWEENEY TODD, but I urge you to go to todaytix and score a good seat. The music is so expertly sung, and, for my money, the smaller, proscenium-scaled production delivers the morality and the awe and pity and horror much more powerfully than the original in its cavernous setting.
I hope you go. I hope you love it.

Previous: But perhaps not Sweeney Todd! - MockingbirdGirl 10:19 am EST 02/29/24
Next: re: "... much more powerfully than the original in its cavernous setting" - Dale 06:14 pm EST 02/28/24

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