He's got 5 friends who want a Water for Elephants playbill?
Last Edit: MockingbirdGirl 01:17 pm EST 03/02/24
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 01:17 pm EST 03/02/24
In reply to: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - bythesea2007 12:09 pm EST 03/02/24

Or is your friend too cheap to buy his friends a knickknack? :)

Next time, tell him to go for the discarded show-branded cups.

- MBG, team #fiveistoomany

Previous: Condiments have a longer expiration date than playbills - dramedy 03:20 pm EST 03/02/24
Next: 'Bills of sale - WaymanWong 02:34 am EST 03/03/24

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