re: Crying On Command
Last Edit: PlayWiz 06:25 pm EST 03/02/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 06:22 pm EST 03/02/24
In reply to: re: Crying On Command - AlanScott 05:32 pm EST 03/02/24

I guess he was joking around with her implied acceptance -- I would think a scene partner would tell him if it was interfering with her own process/preparation before she went on stage. She also had her own opportunity during "Who's That Woman" to let loose and have some fun tapping, so it's not only been serious all night for her. Ben's only relatively light moment, if I recall correctly, is during the "Waiting for the Girls Upstairs" song. Of course, he also has the challenge of beginning "Live, Laugh, Love" as a light, escapist number, all the while having to be boiling emotionally underneath to have on-stage nervous breakdown during it!

Previous: re: Crying On Command - AlanScott 05:32 pm EST 03/02/24
Next: re: Crying On Command - AlanScott 06:41 pm EST 03/02/24

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