re: I really don’t get why it matters.
Posted by: ryhog 11:14 pm EST 03/03/24
In reply to: re: I really don’t get why it matters. - Chromolume 09:01 pm EST 03/03/24

When you watch a theatre piece from the vantage point of a camera, you have already compromised what I consider its most precious gift (the shared experience). The second greatest gift is the electricity of its high wire act. When you watch a previous recording, you've lost both.

It is no different in the art world. We travel the world to see a painting that is on display rather than looking at an excellent photograph of it. The first time I was in Florence, I went to see Michelangelo's David. I had certainly seen a hundred photographs of it. Nothing prepared me.

Previous: re: I really don’t get why it matters. - Chromolume 09:01 pm EST 03/03/24
Next: For decades, it was recorded for west coast - dramedy 09:23 pm EST 03/03/24

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