re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security…
Posted by: bmc 01:16 pm EST 03/04/24
In reply to: re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - toros 03:22 am EST 03/03/24

attending a Boston perf the APPLE TREE , we each used a diff Playbill to ask each of the star for autographs.If i wanted extra Playbills in NYC' i could easily find un-crumpled Playbills discarded on the floor. I think i would have been in a state of shock to have been slapped on the wrist, MOTHER.COULD A USHER HIT YOU REAL HARD AND IT WOULDN,T HURT AT ALL? I wonder

Previous: re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - toros 03:22 am EST 03/03/24
Next: re: Taking Extra Playbills Amounted to a Slap and Security… - dlittle 08:23 pm EST 03/02/24

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