re: RIP Edward Bond
Last Edit: singleticket 06:38 pm EST 03/05/24
Posted by: singleticket 06:33 pm EST 03/05/24
In reply to: re: RIP Edward Bond - singleticket 06:06 pm EST 03/05/24

I mean, the thing about the power of the Lord Chamberlain's Office to censor and shape British theater was that it had been institutionalized since the early 18th century and was, as I understand it, a legacy of the Civil War and Puritan Protestant rule. The fact that Edward Bond under the wing of the Royal Court Theater managed to finally break it is huge in terms of theater history.

Previous: re: RIP Edward Bond - singleticket 06:06 pm EST 03/05/24
Next: Theater Extras or Play-by-Play or ?? - StageDoorEddie 02:42 pm EST 03/05/24

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