re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship
Last Edit: AlanScott 06:06 pm EST 03/06/24
Posted by: AlanScott 06:05 pm EST 03/06/24
In reply to: re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship - bobby2 01:41 am EST 03/05/24

They were so incredibly different. I think some of what Loudon did was brilliant, some of it worked well enough, and some of it needed more help from Prince. Unless he tried and just couldn't get her to make adjustments. But she was fascinatingly different and sometimes great. Closing week, when they finally had large and enthusiastic audiences, she kind of lost some of the better parts of her performance as she started playing the comedy more. She became more the Dorothy Loudon audiences probably expected rather than the Dorothy Loudon who had gotten raves when she did The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds on tour. This did have advantages, but she lost some good stuff by doing so.

She did have trouble getting some of the rhythms right in the music. Perhaps she would have gotten them with a full rehearsal period and then previews with more rehearsals. And you had to kind of accept the accent on faith. I think the best parts of her performance, and this may seem surprising, were when she played against the comedy.

Overall, Lansbury's Dickensian grotesque of a sociopath probably was more right for the character (and contrasted perfectly with Cariou's anguish as Sweeney), but I was glad to see Loudon diverge so far from it. I have wondered how Loudon's performance might have been different had she played opposite Cariou.

Previous: re: Mrs. Lovett/Toby relationship - bobby2 01:41 am EST 03/05/24
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