re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios?
Posted by: Snowgrace 02:10 pm EDT 03/11/24
In reply to: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - MockingbirdGirl 12:58 pm EDT 03/11/24

Yes indeed, film souvenir programs absolutely did have bios of at least the actors & other creative team...still have ones my Dad bought me during the 70s from both re-releases of golden oldies like THE SOUND OF MUSIC & GONE WITH THE WIND, and first runs of a lot of newer films. More inspiration and knowledge than I can measure was gained from endless perusal of bios & articles in my childhood collection of theatre & film programs, & am so glad PLAYBILLS still provide them for all, especially kids starting to dream.

Previous: re: Why do Playbills list creator, cast, and crew bios? - MockingbirdGirl 12:58 pm EDT 03/11/24
Next: Rita Moreno's Chita tribute at the Oscars - DistantDrumming 03:50 am EDT 03/11/24

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