re: Reading "A chorus line and the musicals of Michael Bennett"
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 03:26 pm EDT 03/17/24
In reply to: re: Reading "A chorus line and the musicals of Michael Bennett" - huskyital 09:21 am EDT 03/17/24

Blame the landlords for that $4 slice of pizza, as the pizzeria is just trying to cover their rent. Blame the broken healthcare system, which forced employers to provide health insurance, both indicating health costs and driving up expenses for the employer, which get passed onto you. Blame the culture of hyper-growth, in which a business is judged on a quarterly basis and focused on providing income to shareholders rather than providing a service to customers. And blame a tax system that increasingly removes money from the commons and into select private hands.

Greed, yes, but probably not on behalf of the pizzeria.

Previous: re: Reading "A chorus line and the musicals of Michael Bennett" - huskyital 09:21 am EDT 03/17/24
Next: re: Reading "A chorus line and the musicals of Michael Bennett" - Chazwaza 06:24 pm EDT 03/17/24

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