re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two)
Posted by: sergius 06:00 pm EDT 03/18/24
In reply to: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - FinalPerformance 12:40 pm EDT 03/18/24

Yes, it sometimes seems that the theatre in London is healthier. There's certainly a greater variety on the West End than is usually on Broadway. Funny that you were at Till the Stars...Maybe we'll meet someday. Enjoy the rest of your time there.

Previous: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - FinalPerformance 12:40 pm EDT 03/18/24
Next: re: LONDON Last Week (Very long and maybe a spoiler or two) - Jackson 12:55 pm EDT 03/18/24

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