Last Edit: BroadwayTonyJ 03:02 pm EDT 03/19/24
Posted by: BroadwayTonyJ 03:00 pm EDT 03/19/24
In reply to: re: Wicked: Untold true story of witches of oz - JereNYC 04:10 pm EDT 03/18/24

The 1999 film Topsy-Turvy is one of the best bio-musicals I've ever seen.

Although not as well-made or entertaining as the film Yankee Doodle Dandy, the stage musical George M is far more accurate.

Previous: re: Wicked: Untold true story of witches of oz - JereNYC 04:10 pm EDT 03/18/24
Next: re: Wicked: Untold true story of witches of oz - Singapore/Fling 06:36 pm EDT 03/15/24

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