re: The backstage/alleyway of the St James
Last Edit: seeseveryshow 05:20 pm EDT 03/26/24
Posted by: seeseveryshow 05:05 pm EDT 03/26/24
In reply to: re: The backstage/alleyway of the St James - Dale 04:48 pm EDT 03/26/24

That’s incorrect. The alleyway you are referring to is entered on 45th and provides access to the Majestic, Golden and Jacobs.

There is a lengthy passageway at the St. James. Entrance on 44th to the right of the box office lobby entrance. The passageway extends along the back of the building, then (after going through a doorway) it turns left along the outside of house right, and leads to the stage door.

Joe Gillis can exit through the stage door and make his way along the alley and passageway, and when he gets to the street, he can re-enter the theatre through the box office lobby entrance, and then enter the auditorium through one of the doors into the orchestra level.

The Act 2 opening at the y Savoy in London was thrilling, and I have no doubt the effect can be reproduced at the St. James. It might be noted that a significant part of that opening takes place backstage, as Joe descends various stairways from a dressing room and makes his way through assorted corridors.


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