There were still plenty of seats in the balcony a few minutes ago at $94 w/fees.
Last Edit: PlayWiz 05:46 pm EDT 04/19/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 05:37 pm EDT 04/19/24
In reply to: re: showing now as sold out... - Jason 04:21 pm EDT 04/19/24

Be sure to pick a number of seats (1, 2, etc.) that you are looking for. Don't keep it blank. Thanks, Unhookthestars!

Previous: re: showing now as sold out... - Jason 04:21 pm EDT 04/19/24
Next: re: There were still plenty of seats in the balcony a few minutes ago at $94 w/fees. - Jason 07:21 pm EDT 04/19/24

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