re: Jonathan, Daniel & Lindsay: 'Merrily' they sang along to 'Old Friends' on late-night TV
Posted by: sfow1 09:27 am EDT 05/22/24
In reply to: re: Jonathan, Daniel & Lindsay: 'Merrily' they sang along to 'Old Friends' on late-night TV - Chazwaza 08:21 pm EDT 05/21/24

Saw it earlier this month - the chemistry was amazing and we were both blown away with the production.

Previous: re: Jonathan, Daniel & Lindsay: 'Merrily' they sang along to 'Old Friends' on late-night TV - Chazwaza 08:21 pm EDT 05/21/24
Next: re: Jonathan, Daniel & Lindsay: 'Merrily' they sang along to 'Old Friends' on late-night TV - Mmac72 04:52 pm EDT 05/21/24

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