Last Edit: Chromolume 05:50 pm EDT 10/30/24
Posted by: Chromolume 05:50 pm EDT 10/30/24
In reply to: THE GOAT and PROOF - JereNYC 03:43 pm EDT 10/30/24

I've only seen The Goat once, in Boston (with Boston favorite Paula Plum). Plum was, as usual, 100%+ committed to the role, and the cathartic scene was both one of the scariest and funniest things I've ever seen.

But I would love to see it again.

Previous: re: THE GOAT and PROOF - EvFoDr 12:57 pm EDT 10/31/24
Next: Gypsy, because I've changed - Cabfan 12:15 pm EDT 10/30/24

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