re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days.
Last Edit: EvFoDr 02:46 pm EST 11/25/24
Posted by: EvFoDr 02:40 pm EST 11/25/24
In reply to: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - Musicals54 01:59 pm EST 11/25/24

First, I want to say I am glad to see that some adjustments in the ways shows are priced means producers can reap the rewards for high demand instead of scalpers.

However, I see a flaw in your first paragraph, which is that lots of people could buy the best seats in the house for $6! That's about $80 today. I think people have every right to complain--or at least long for the old days--when a new show opens and the regular top ticket price is 250, 300, dollars right out of the gate. These are not premium seats, and prior to any demand based increases. I'd kill for those seats to cost $80 :-)

Previous: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - StevenA 06:41 pm EST 11/25/24
Next: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - jerseymerle 05:08 pm EST 11/25/24

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