re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days.
Posted by: StevenA 06:41 pm EST 11/25/24
In reply to: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - Musicals54 01:59 pm EST 11/25/24

Despite the valid points you make, in the "good ol' days" of even 5-10 years past we did not have sophisticated dynamic pricing algorithms designed to maximize revenue of every seat. Go back a bit further and we did not have such a high percentage of seats charged at various levels of premium pricing.

Talk to just about any regular theatergoer and they will till you they have cut back the number of shows they see because of how quickly costs have risen and how much more challenging it can be to find discounted tickets, especially if you do not have flexibility to wait until the last minute. And these increases often significantly outpace any legitimate inflationary considerations.

Anecdotally it seems more shows are pushing the envelope of their asking ticket prices. I liked Oh Mary! but $300+ for a decent percentage of seats to an 80-minute off-Broadway transfer wiyh no A-list celeb simply would not have been done—or sustained—all that many years ago.

Just because some pricing practices may have improved does not diminish the reality that dramatically higher ticket costs abound.

P.S. I, and many others I assume, will reserve the right to complain whenever we want.

Previous: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - den 01:38 pm EST 11/26/24
Next: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - EvFoDr 02:40 pm EST 11/25/24

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