re: Agreed
Posted by: emmemmkay 05:30 am EST 11/26/24
In reply to: re: Agreed - Gustave 08:58 pm EST 11/25/24

To paraphrase a line from Gypsy, I was born too late and started too late to see Ethel Merman in Gypsy (I was 3 when it closed). But Angela Lansbury in Gypsy remains the greatest performance I've ever seen in 58 years of theatergoing. I saw her at the Winter Garden, the Nanuet Star Theatre, and - yes! - the Westchester Premier Theatre. I cried so hard during Rose's Turn that I thought I would simply stop breathing.

Previous: Merman scary and tragic - merle57 08:27 pm EST 11/27/24
Next: re: Agreed - AlanScott 01:36 am EST 11/26/24

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