re: Agreed
Posted by: duckylittledictum 09:19 am EST 11/26/24
In reply to: re: Agreed - Billhaven 07:31 am EST 11/26/24

I was a young teen when Merman came to Detroit. I wanted desperately to see her in Gypsy (I had memorized the album). But my parents, by no means prudes, thought the show would be too "adult" for me. Then they bought tickets ad came home declaring that there was nothing offensive in the show for a kid. By then of course, the show was sold out, and I've never quite forgiven them for denying me my first Merman experience. :)

Previous: re: Agreed - mermaniac 06:57 pm EST 11/26/24
Next: Well....Merman WAS Rose - Genealley 01:47 am EST 11/26/24

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