re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days.
Posted by: den 01:38 pm EST 11/26/24
In reply to: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - AlanScott 03:57 am EST 11/26/24

It’s good that creatives are generating more money from ticket scales and less money is going to scalpers. But, looking at service charges, I wonder if ticket brokers like Telecharge, Ticketmaster, Seat Geek and Today Tix are the new scalpers. Fees are outrageous: $22 a ticket for Good Night and Good Luck. What does Telecharge actually DO to justify a $22 per ticket fee? Close to $44 a ticket from Ticketmaster for Hugh Jackman at Radio City? Yes, those of us who live in the city can circumvent fees by buying at the box office — which is what I usually do — but good seats for high-profile events require, I think, an early purchase before the box office opens which means going online . (I could, of course, be wrong about that, and if I am, I’d appreciate knowing about it!) But my point is, it’s not just the price of the ticket that causes sticker shock; the added fees are pretty significant.

Previous: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - AlanScott 03:57 am EST 11/26/24
Next: re: Ticket Prices: Stop Complaining - no good old days. - StevenA 06:41 pm EST 11/25/24

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