re: I admit that this worded
Last Edit: Chromolume 11:28 am EST 11/27/24
Posted by: Chromolume 11:24 am EST 11/27/24
In reply to: re: I admit that this worded - Ncassidine 11:17 am EST 11/27/24

Well, I'm not so sure about that. No one ever attacks Kieran (nor should they) for his valuable posts which most often just provide a link with no commentary. I do agree that sc2 is, maybe at times, just posting something/anything because they feel like posting something/anything (people get caught up in the "posting bug" at times - it's part of being on the web in general), but I'm not sure I'd go as far as calling those posts clickbait. And often sc2's posts are totally fine, unchecked typos being whAt they are. ;-)

I say thanks to sc2 for their presence. And remember, we're not obligated to read, heed, or respond to every post here. sc2 isn't Chekky, they're not doing any harm. ;-)

Previous: I don't find that to be entirely accurate - sc2 11:28 am EST 11/27/24
Next: re: I admit that this worded - PlayWiz 01:00 pm EST 11/27/24

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