re: Agreed
Last Edit: Chromolume 11:45 am EST 11/27/24
Posted by: Chromolume 11:43 am EST 11/27/24
In reply to: re: Agreed - AlanScott 05:41 am EST 11/27/24

I think rhyming a character's name is inherently comic (or at least really calls attention to itself) and should be avoided in any lyric that is meant to be serious.

Interesting and valid point. And I'm thinking that even Sondheim avoided a rhyme for "Maria" to perhaps keep Tony sincere, whereas he had lots of fun with Armfeldt/charm felt and nice man/Weissman in more comic/upbeat moments, as well as poet Charles' struggling with Ella/tarantella, a cappella and umbrella, only to conclude he should have fallen in love with a Jane instead. ;-)

Previous: re: Agreed - AlanScott 05:41 am EST 11/27/24
Next: re: Agreed - mermaniac 06:57 pm EST 11/26/24

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