A note on sets and probably costumes
Last Edit: dramedy 01:28 pm EST 11/27/24
Posted by: dramedy 01:28 pm EST 11/27/24
In reply to: The WICKED cameos (spoilers) / the almost hip-hop "Popular" / what they got right - GrumpyMorningBoy 11:40 am EST 11/27/24

It probably helps that most will be used for two movies and not one—so budgets could be larger.

I liked the film a lot and wouldn’t have changed anything. I kind of liked breaking up the songs instead of sung through for 5-10 minutes.

Previous: The WICKED cameos (spoilers) / the almost hip-hop "Popular" / what they got right - GrumpyMorningBoy 11:40 am EST 11/27/24
Next: ‘Wicked’ and the Merchandising Juggernaut That Eclipses ‘Barbie’ - Unhookthestars 10:52 pm EST 11/26/24

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