re: Parade perfomances?
Last Edit: finally 12:46 pm EST 11/29/24
Posted by: finally 12:43 pm EST 11/29/24
In reply to: Parade perfomances? - Chromolume 10:19 am EST 11/28/24

I always DVR it and watch it back later in the day when I'm more awake. I don't understand why they don't have a rain plan for these performances. Would be simple enough to have a separate stage or recorded performances to roll when the weather isn't cooperating. Another dancer fell during a performance by an Irish step dance company. Seems dangerous to expect the performers to go out in those conditions, especially highly trained ones who could curtail a career with an injury. These things on the street rarely come off well, anyway. Certainly nothing that sold any show as a must-see this year.

I'd also cut the performers on floats as those rarely look good, either. This year they had a technical glitch in which the canned sound for some husband/wife duo didn't start, so they had to throw to commercial. After the break, viewers were treated to their few seconds of lip-syncing while driving off. Then the hosts scrambled to finish the parade on time because everything was backed up. Santa got a perfunctory mention at the very end, and a very short bit of time while being talked over before the whole thing switched off abruptly so the dog show broadcast would start on time. As a commercial for Christmas shopping, Santa is the main event and usually the highlight of the day. I wondered why my nephew who is of the age to be obsessed with all Santa sightings didn't mention this one. He was barely on!

Previous: If you want to watch the Broadway performances ... - WaymanWong 02:43 am EST 11/30/24
Next: re: Parade perfomances? - RufusRed 01:54 pm EST 11/28/24

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