re: Tammy Faye - long
Posted by: stgmgr 07:57 pm EST 12/01/24
In reply to: re: Tammy Faye - long - Delvino 05:02 pm EST 12/01/24

Anecdotally, the Thanksgiving-to-New-Year's-Day weeks are particularly crowded with visitors in Times Square. I had to plow my way through while heading to a show last night and found myself consumed with "sidewalk rage," if I may draw the comparison to "road rage." Come back in a bit and you'll find the theater district easier to navigate.

Previous: re: Tammy Faye - long - Delvino 05:02 pm EST 12/01/24
Next: re: Tammy Faye - long - bobjohnny 04:41 pm EST 12/01/24

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