re: I wonder how much changed from London. My 2 cents
Posted by: bway1430 02:22 am EST 12/02/24
In reply to: re: I wonder how much changed from London. My 2 cents - jjbkvm 04:54 pm EST 12/01/24

I find that slightly silly as contractual conflicts/disagreements have nothing to do with whether a show works or not. Whether he actually bailed or was invited to leave we will never know. But in any event, he was gone well before rehearsals even began so makes no sense it would have anything to do with the quality of the production.

Previous: re: I wonder how much changed from London. My 2 cents - jjbkvm 04:54 pm EST 12/01/24
Next: re: I wonder how much changed from London. - mattyp4 10:16 am EST 12/01/24

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