re: A Streetcar at BAM
Posted by: den 05:30 pm EST 12/05/24
In reply to: A Streetcar at BAM - lowwriter 03:08 pm EST 12/05/24

Your friend is lucky he’s been able to get on a queue. I’ve been trying all day. BAM has a banner saying their ticketing system is “now back up and running but we’re still experiencing a high volume of traffic.” In any case, I haven’t been able to get anywhere with it. (Sorry, just got on the queue now. as I was typing this. There are 5,295 people ahead of me!)

Previous: re: I just tried again ... - kieran 01:56 am EST 12/06/24
Next: re: try calling - thatotter 05:55 pm EST 12/05/24

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