Has anyone here ever seen Charles Ludlam's "A Christmas Carol"?
Posted by: comedywest 07:03 pm EST 12/07/24

I just read the play, and it is the most faithful to the original novel of any adaptation I've read or seen.

The introduction to the play says that, while Ludlam envisioned it as a cash cow for his company, it had so many characters that it was too expensive to run more than two seasons. That said, I imagine schools and community theaters would love it just that reason.

I really would like to see it.

Previous: re: I didn't realize Phantom licensed for amateur / school / regional productions! (NMI) - Chromolume 05:21 pm EST 12/09/24
Next: re: Has anyone here ever seen Charles Ludlam's "A Christmas Carol"? - kieran 08:31 pm EST 12/07/24

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