re: No, it doesn't say that
Posted by: AlanScott 03:55 pm EST 12/08/24
In reply to: re: No, it doesn't say that - scoot1er 08:12 am EST 12/08/24

Thank you so much, scoot1er. Those are very interesting and helpful facts to know about where they considered placing the song and that they definitely did consider it (not that I doubted that or it wouldn't have been on the demo, not to mention published as sheet music and heard in the entr'acte).

I did know that Prince, Kander, Ebb and Masteroff started working on the show together the day after Flora opened. It was mentioned in the Dramatists Guild talk. I feel like I knew that before I read the talk when it was published in Broadway Song & Story. I feel like I had read it elsewhere, probably in Contradictions. At a quick glance I'm not finding it in either the Flora chapter or the Cabaret chapter, but I think he may have mentioned it elsewhere in the book.

Previous: re: No, it doesn't say that - scoot1er 08:12 am EST 12/08/24
Next: re: No, it doesn't say that - larry13 09:53 pm EST 12/07/24

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