re: Considered for but not written for Cabaret
Posted by: Chromolume 07:54 pm EST 12/08/24
In reply to: re: Considered for but not written for Cabaret - AlanScott 04:34 pm EST 12/08/24

Personally, I think "7 1/2 Cents" is the 2nd worst song in the show. (The worst song being "Her Is.") Had that been the opening number, I don't think I would have been able to stomach the rest of the show, even though I would have missed out on some great stuff.

As it is, however, I feel that the short title song followed by "Racing With The Clock" is a fabulous and very effective opening.

Previous: re: Considered for but not written for Cabaret - AlanScott 04:34 pm EST 12/08/24
Next: According to Wikipedia... - sc2 12:26 pm EST 12/07/24

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