re: I thought you meant Max Von Essen for a minute, Wayman!
Posted by: showtunetrivia 09:16 pm EST 12/08/24
In reply to: re: I thought you meant Max Von Essen for a minute, Wayman! - WaymanWong 02:16 pm EST 12/07/24

Aw, man, now THAT is a remake I wanna see!

Laura in LA, ignoring the ginormous manuscript in the other room….

Previous: re: I thought you meant Max Von Essen for a minute, Wayman! - WaymanWong 02:16 pm EST 12/07/24
Next: re: 'Liaisons'! What's happened to them? Max is doing a 'Dangerous' new version - FIG 09:26 am EST 12/06/24

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