The Hallmarks of a holiday movie
Last Edit: WaymanWong 12:44 am EST 12/09/24
Posted by: WaymanWong 12:38 am EST 12/09/24
In reply to: Wow - ShowGoer 01:40 pm EST 12/08/24

It's been said that ''man cannot live by bread alone.'' During the holidays, I admit I enjoy a little cheese, too, so there's the Hallmark channel.

To be fair, in 2022, Hallmark shot 73 original movies, half of which were Christmas-themed, in Canada. Hallmark films up north, thanks to lower production costs there and Canadian tax breaks. Hallmark constantly needs new films to fill its 7-day-a-week, all-day schedule during the holidays.

By contrast, Netflix only makes a handful of holiday films and they have bigger budgets, so it can hire actors with more recognizable names.

But Hallmark knows its brand: Its viewers like its formulaic, generic holiday love stories with happy endings; it's the TV equivalent of comfort food.

I imagine Hallmark gets tax breaks, too, for employing lots of Canadian actors, so it's fun to see whenever American Broadway actors pop up in their films.
Link Every Hallmark Movie Ever

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