Last Edit: Chromolume 12:41 pm EST 12/10/24
Posted by: Chromolume 12:35 pm EST 12/10/24
In reply to: re: MAYBE HAPPY ENDING - kidmanboy 06:42 am EST 12/10/24

60 years is a long long time. Memories fade, and I think we can all agree that many many beautifully designed productions have happened in the last 60 years.

Now, if the OP had said "the most beautifully designed production in recent memory" we might be able to understand that, though even that might be debatable depending on one's experience. But really, 60 years? And why does there have to be a "best" anyway? How about "one of the most beautifully designed productions I think I've seen?"

I just think one can describe the joy of an experience at the theatre without having to resort to all the hyperbole. But it fits right in with the de facto standing O's and the hooting and hollering in place of applause. "More" is the new black, I guess. But more is also often less.

Previous: re: MAYBE HAPPY ENDING - kidmanboy 06:42 am EST 12/10/24
Next: re: MAYBE HAPPY ENDING - Chromolume 10:53 pm EST 12/09/24

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