re: Carols for a Cure?
Last Edit: Cleveland 05:26 pm EST 12/13/24
Posted by: Cleveland 05:25 pm EST 12/13/24
In reply to: Carols for a Cure? - dbarnum 01:36 pm EST 12/13/24

Every year, I buy one for myself and one for a friend as a gift. When it wasn't on the website, I reached out earlier this week and received an email saying they had stopped producing them 2 years ago. (Which is incorrect because I bought two in 2023.) Sad to hear.

Previous: Carols for a Cure? - dbarnum 01:36 pm EST 12/13/24
Next: re: Carols for a Cure? - KingSpeed 11:00 am EST 12/14/24

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