re: "All In: Comedy About Love" - oh the difference an "A" makes?
Last Edit: Chazwaza 07:25 pm EST 12/13/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 07:08 pm EST 12/13/24
In reply to: re: "All In: Comedy About Love" - oh the difference an "A" makes? - Ncassidine 01:10 pm EST 12/13/24

I'm extremely familiar with all these actors and/or actor/comedians, and Simon Rich, and I am very aware of the rotating cast situation, and I assure you I was absolutely not aware that it would be what it apparently is. And I would be VERY pissed if I had paid anywhere near good money for it, or taken up a slot on a visit to nyc to see it over something else I wanted to see.

The value hollywood and comedy people put on how much audience will just love seeing any comedy person or celebrity actor they're a fan of doing ANYTHING, and pay a lot for the privilege, has truly become wild. From what I've read about this show, I wouldn't want to pay more than $20 for it but I probably wouldn't even want to use one of my free nights or theater matinee slots for it - but that's me, having a nice laugh with people just being their talented fun selves not trying very hard or for any real purpose other than passing an hour or two amusingly is not my idea of what I need to spend hard earned money on usually, in this economy, and with the time i do have to give to live events. But we live in a world where people spend multiple hours a day consuming podcasts of people who are funny or just famous talking to each other about mostly nothing for an hour or more in their podcasts... and then will pay $40+ to see them do just that live. I'm not surprised Rich and Mulaney etc think people will be excited to see this rotating cast read stories off a script in a chair for 90 minutes for $100+... but I certainly won't be one of them.

Previous: re: "All In: Comedy About Love" - oh the difference an "A" makes? - Ncassidine 01:10 pm EST 12/13/24
Next: re: "All In: Comedy About Love" - oh the difference an "A" makes? - Singapore/Fling 05:25 pm EST 12/13/24

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