re: Gypsy - Audra’s (Epic) Turn
Posted by: bicoastal 08:57 pm EST 12/13/24
In reply to: Gypsy - Audra’s (Epic) Turn - Shutterbug 08:32 pm EST 12/13/24

For me, the "strip tease" character reveal made for a first act that felt too contained. I did like when Rose went a little crazy over Mr. Goldstone, but I would have liked to have had some more confidence or awareness of where the character was going. Also, I saw it a week ago and no doubt Audra MacDonald is getting a stronger grip on her character with each passing performance.
I also didn't get much of a connection to Louise in the first act, especially felt her presence in "All I Need Is The Girl" was way underplayed. However, I did think the second act was far better than the first, and while I liked Joy Woods' transformation from Louise to Gypsy, what the heck was that Garden of Eden number? Not only did it not present Gypsy in a dazzling strip number, it lost all concept of the time period in which the story takes place. But then we got the penultimate Rose-Louise scene, which had a lot of fire and then that gut-wrenching Rose's Turn. MacDonald occasionally going into her head voice was no problem at all for me, she is who she is vocally and it took nothing away from the performance.

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