What Sondheim said about Nathan Lane as Byck
Posted by: Ann 08:06 am EST 12/14/24
In reply to: interesting! - Chazwaza 08:49 pm EST 12/13/24

From a 1996 Newsweek piece by Jack Kroll

Lane's monologues were "among the best things I have ever
heard," says Sondheim. "He was playing a psychopath and he was chilling.

Also - from a 1996 Sondheim Review piece written by somebody named Wayman Wong:

TSR: You once did an early reading of Assassin,s, playing Sam Byck, but are there any other
Sondheim roles you'd like to tackle?

NL: Yes, I'd love to be in a new Sondheim show.

It's too bad he didn't get to.

Previous: interesting! - Chazwaza 08:49 pm EST 12/13/24
Next: re: What Sondheim said about Nathan Lane as Byck - WaymanWong 11:07 am EST 12/15/24

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