re: GYPSY Last Night
Posted by: bicoastal 09:06 pm EST 12/14/24
In reply to: GYPSY Last Night - sergius 07:24 am EST 12/14/24

For me, I felt like Wolfe could have better held the first act together, and that sacrificing period and character detail to showmanship (per your comment) is never a good choice. For example, the transition from Baby to Dainty June was confusing and quite bizarre and meant nothing to me as a viewer. As for the new choreography, I noticed it and sometimes was okay with it and sometimes not. But if you are going to change what is arguably flawless choreography, I think it should be better than or equal to the original. This wasn't. For the record, I'm all for reinvention, but I am also a believer in "just because you can doesn't mean you should". That being said, yes, McDonald delivered a nuanced performance that resulted in an incredibly powerful Rose's Turn that was all about realizing what she'd done, not about her own lost ambitions. It was unique and shattering and I am so glad I saw it.

Previous: GYPSY Last Night - sergius 07:24 am EST 12/14/24
Next: re: GYPSY Last Night - WWriter 03:57 pm EST 12/14/24

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