re: Lucille Ball and Wildcat
Posted by: champagnesalesman 09:39 pm EST 12/15/24
In reply to: re: Lucille Ball and Wildcat - FleetStreetBarber 04:49 pm EST 12/15/24

Lucy was dubbed in almost all of her films(she sings a bit of Breezin along with the breeze in THE LONG LONG TRAILER)
But she sings a WHOLE song in 1940's DANCE GIRL DANCE called Oh Mother What Do I Do Now...her 1940 voice is very different than the one in later years,many cigarettes later.

Previous: re: Lucille Ball and Wildcat - FleetStreetBarber 04:49 pm EST 12/15/24
Next: Jane Krakowki's very funny new Playbill bio - TimDunleavy 12:34 pm EST 12/14/24

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