re: Show/Boat: A River (Target Margin Theater)
Posted by: sestina 11:34 am EST 01/10/25
In reply to: re: Show/Boat: A River (Target Margin Theater) - singleticket 10:56 am EST 01/10/25

The performances were wildly uneven, but as I noted, there were some standout moments. I can't fault the cast's commitment and energy.

I was mostly let down by the direction--clumsy, unfocused, juvenile at times, pedantic at others. What is this show about for the creative team? Why tell this story now, or deconstruct it? Yes, SHOWBOAT is about race in America. It's also about the nature of theatrical performance, and performers. It's a love story. Those elements have always central to the story, so... what is the "imagining" part of this version?

Other elements: the minimal choreography, costumes, etc. didn't help matters. Amateurish and ugly.

The audience reactions were mixed at best: a number of walkouts at intermission, and then a smattering of standing ovations at the end of the show (it was the first performance, after all). I found a lot of it baffling. But it's almost always a pleasure to hear this gem of a score performed live.

Previous: re: Show/Boat: A River (Target Margin Theater) - singleticket 10:56 am EST 01/10/25
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