re: Oh, c'mon
Posted by: JereNYC ( 12:19 pm EST 01/10/25
In reply to: re: Oh, c'mon - bsturtle 11:35 am EST 01/10/25

I'm not sure either Go Fund Me campaign (two in as many years, I think) "saved" the West Bank Cafe. It seems that two theatre producers have stepped in to buy the West Bank from its original owner and reopen it under new management.

An organization like Signature probably has an annual budget in the 7 or even 8 figures for their productions and maintaining their facility. Is it realistic to expect that kind of money from a Go Fund Me?

Previous: re: Oh, c'mon - bsturtle 11:35 am EST 01/10/25
Next: re: Signature Theatre. Signing off? - workerbee 07:13 pm EST 01/09/25

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