re: I love Glenn Close...
Last Edit: royscho 06:35 pm EST 01/10/25
Posted by: royscho 06:34 pm EST 01/10/25
In reply to: I love Glenn Close... - DistantDrumming 05:17 pm EST 01/10/25

I love that every time Glenn Close mentions a Sunset Boulevard movie, there's a passionate discussion here about the merit of a possible adaptation.

There was never a chance of a Sunset Boulevard musical movie happening. Never. She can say that "they have a director" (Rob Ashford in 2019) or that they are working on the script (2022, 2023) or "getting very close" (2023, 2024). It doesn't matter what she says.

Paramount is happy for her and ALW to make a movie and they will gladly distribute it. But Paramount is not shelling a dime to finance or produce it. Because they know, wisely, that a movie of a musical that never really succeeded on Broadway (and never became a global hit,) never got great reviews, headlined by a 72-77 year old actress (depends which year we're referring to her announcements) will never make back the money. Never.

And until this fantasy movie has found investors who are willing to pay $30-60M (at the very least) to make it happen (which will never happen,) these updates are meaningless.

There was a time that streamers were willing to spend money on the most noncommercial projects for footprint, content and a bit of critical clout. These days are over too. Maybe a hardcore fan who was a development executive in Netflix could have made it happen back in 2018-2020, but even then, apparently, it was too fringy.

Anyone who is debating this movie is spending time on a fantasy project. I personally do love Sunset Boulevard - with all its faults - but I live in reality. Glenn Close, on the other hand, is starting to sound more delusional than Norma Desmond.

Previous: I love Glenn Close... - DistantDrumming 05:17 pm EST 01/10/25
Next: re: I love Glenn Close... - champagnesalesman 05:36 pm EST 01/10/25

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