re: ENGLISH Last Night (Possible Spoiler)
Last Edit: den 07:53 pm EST 01/12/25
Posted by: den 07:53 pm EST 01/12/25
In reply to: ENGLISH Last Night (Possible Spoiler) - sergius 09:03 am EST 01/12/25

I just saw the play this afternoon. I was…disappointed. It’s not that I disliked the play, or didn’t think it was stage-worthy in any way, but I agree with Sergius that “it’s never as interesting as it seems it should be.” It felt like a long 100 minutes. Cast and staging are excellent, but I think I would have appreciated it more if I’d had an ex-pat experience at some point in my life. It just didn’t resonate for me, probably more my shortcoming than the playwright’s. Still, I was surprised that this had won the Pulitzer. There must have been worthier candidates.

Previous: ENGLISH Last Night (Possible Spoiler) - sergius 09:03 am EST 01/12/25
Next: On Sugarland and The Far Country - dramedy 10:21 am EST 01/13/25

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