re: SHOW/BOAT: A River last night
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 11:46 pm EST 01/12/25
In reply to: re: SHOW/BOAT: A River last night - seenenuf 09:20 pm EST 01/12/25

I think the point is that Show Boat was genuinely progressive for its time while also falling into many stereotypes around race that undercut that progress. A successful deconstruction would examine its place in the lineage of white supremacist culture and potentially point to where our current culture is still not as progressive as it could be.

Now, I don’t think Target Margin is the company that could do that, especially when the only reason they chose this title is that David wanted to do a musical and this one was public domain, but the basic idea is a sound one.

Previous: re: SHOW/BOAT: A River last night - seenenuf 09:20 pm EST 01/12/25
Next: re: SHOW/BOAT: A River last night - lowwriter 09:57 pm EST 01/12/25

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