Why is hot wing king a dud
Last Edit: dramedy 10:24 am EST 01/13/25
Posted by: dramedy 10:24 am EST 01/13/25
In reply to: re: ENGLISH Last Night (Possible Spoiler) - bobjohnny 05:15 am EST 01/13/25

I’ve been waiting for a local production. It has gay characters so I’m more interested in seeing it than other plays. I missed English. It closed on Sunday and won the Pulitzer in Monday in Berkeley. I was hoping it would quickly extend but probably not enough time to sell tickets or actors not available.

Previous: re: ENGLISH Last Night (Possible Spoiler) - bobjohnny 05:15 am EST 01/13/25
Next: TB REGIONAL REVIEW: "SOME LIKE IT HOT" in SAN FRANCISCO - T.B._Admin. 04:46 pm EST 01/11/25

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