re: Audra's Schedule
Posted by: StevenA 08:03 am EST 01/14/25
In reply to: re: Audra's Schedule - NewtonUK 09:08 pm EST 01/13/25

While I understand "the show must go on" mindset that dominated earlier decades of theater, I'm not sure it was healthy for either the performers or the audiences. And today's stars have public and media appearance demands that arguably far exceed those of earlier eras.

On the list of things to be sad about for these times we live in, a lead performer not doing eight shows a wekk would be very low on my list ... if it made it at all.

Previous: re: Audra's Schedule - ryhog 01:06 pm EST 01/14/25
Next: re: Audra's Schedule - den 10:45 am EST 01/14/25

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